The Battle lines are being drawn WE ACCUSE the Prosecution
Ray Blehar and I will offer a very clear choice for anyone who takes the time to really absorb what we will offer this week. After 2 and a half years of intense study and research with over 450 articles available on this site covering every detail of the case(s) you should be able to get a clear picture.
Either politically motivated vengeful prosecutors have it right and by their theory you should believe that Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz are the most detestable of men. Men who knew a serial molester and pedophile was using PSU Football as bait to lure his young prey, while they did everything they could to protect him.
The current Governor along with John Surma had such contempt for Penn State, Joe Paterno, and Graham Spanier, they would make the case about a very crafty pedophile (who fooled everyone in PA. along with a US President and Senator into believing he was a laudable benefactor to children) into a case claiming notable PSU administrators and head football coach, protected a known pedophile just to avoid some potential bad publicity for their University.
Is the TRUTH even worse? - Evidence suggests that The Second Mile "charity", it's founder Jerry Sandusky and it's Director Jack Raykovitz along with some wealthy benefactors with substantial power in Commonwealth government was a vehicle for significant financial gain and a source of children for their twisted personal gratification. To avoid exposure they used politically motivated prosecutors and arranged a pay off to Louis Freeh of 8.2 million PSU dollars to make this case about Penn State, first blaming Tim Curley and Gary Schultz. When Schultz refused to roll over and perjure himself by offering untrue damaging testimony against Graham Spanier their carefully crafted plan began to fall apart.
Too few are paying attention now. So it's time to get your back up, put on your Spring running shoes and take the gloves off. We need some strength in numbers to punch these persecutors in the mouth. Ray, Eileen Morgan and I have brought you the evidence with the help of some very dedicated warriors - the FREEHdom Fighters. Now it's your turn to help spread the word and focus the attention back on this situation for the stretch drive. Penn State should unite and fight.
This week SMSS will offer compelling material combining and condensing what we have learned into 4 new articles for Monday through Thursday. The gloves are coming off and we will be using strong language and clear evidence to confirm the case for Penn State - Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz against the malicious selective prosecution and misleading lies of the Corbett / Kelly / Beemer / Fina / Baldwin and Freeh prosecution abetted by the Corbett controlled and conflicted Board of Trustees.
Please take a little time and really absorb what we offer this week. Our goal is to regain momentum and spring forward with renewed energy and confidence. Your Alma Mater was viciously and unfairly attacked, abandoned by it's Board of Trustees and forced to pay a terrible price by politically motivated forces devoid of honor or truth.
Time to stand up and be counted. WHO IS PENN STATE? Joe Paterno and exemplary administrators who helped mold the university into one of the great institutions of higher learning OR a Corbett controlled and conflicted Board of Trustees who were willing to support the vicious lies and claims of politically motivated prosecutors?
Will you fight for "Success with Honor" or were those empty words by a pedophile enabler?
MONDAY _ FEAR & LOATHING IN HAPPY VALLEY (going GONZO on the persecution)
Channeling Dr. Gonzo in no uncertain terms.
Malicious Selective Prosecution. PA politicians at their worst.
All the gory details meticulously explained and revealed to show that the MEDIA is the true CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE.

How top administrators with decades of exemplary service to Penn State unfairly maligned by pernicious lies, deserve your respect and support.

Baldwin vs Spanier "A man of great integrity" or "An untrustworthy man"
The Lack of Judgment in Judge Baldwin

I'm in Barry. You and Ray and Eileen are an inspiration. So is Lord Tennyson...
ReplyDelete" Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
Bring it on!
ReplyDeletePut it to us, as South African Barry Roux would say!!
Show us what is so improbable as to be reasonably impossible, as South African Gerrie Nel would say!!!
I'm enjoying the dogwoods and Smokey Mountains. I'm really looking forward to see how you put everything together. I've always felt that Fina and Frazier are the personification of evil. Corbett will find Kharma at the ballot box. I can't understand why Frazier and Peetz have not been sued for slander, defamation, and Fraud.
ReplyDeleteIt was a beautiful day down here in Knoxville and the Smokies. The dogwood and azaleas are in full flower.
DeleteGorgeous today in Gatlinburg. Rain Tuesday, but as they say, if it isn't raining in the Smoky Mountains, it's fixin' to. My friend's kid is in Troop 42 in Oak Ridge. We're trying to get him to finish Hiking Merit Badge. Needs 2 more hikes. We went for a 13 mile loop out of Cosby on Saturday and got soaked to the bone. Didn't find any moonshine stills, though. Bummer.