Friday, February 17

Senior VP Gary Schultz Perjury Fiasco

The Perjury charge against VP Gary Schultz are based on his Grand Jury Testimony and they are lacking any merit whatsoever.
First we have to remember this testimony is about recollections of a 10 to 12 minute meeting with Mike McQueary and Tim Curley about 10 days after McQueary's 45 second visit to a locker room in the Lasch football facility on the Penn State campus. McQueary's testimony under oath at the preliminary hearing for the Perjury and Failure to Report charges gave us the following information:
McQueary heard 2 or 3 slapping sounds he characterizes as "rhythmic and sexual"
McQueary "glanced" into the showers through a mirror for 1 or 2 seconds
McQueary then moved to where he could glance into the showers directly and he saw Sandusky's back and the side of a boy standing in front of Sandusky. The boy's head came to Sandusky's pectoral muscles. He saw this with little or no motion for 1 or 2 seconds.
McQueary then slammed his locker door and walked to where Sandusky and the boy could see him. They were standing 4 feet apart and there was no pain or distress on the boy's face
McQueary said nothing to either and immediately left the boy there with Sandusky and went upstairs to call his father. He did not return to the shower room to see if they had left.
McQueary then met with his father and Dr. Jonathan Dranov at his father's home. They advised him not to call police but to report the incident to his boss Joe Paterno
McQueary did not tell Joe Paterno what he suspected in graphic detail
McQueary then met with Schultz and Curley after Paterno set up the meeting.

McQueary claims he was adamant about suspecting a sexual act in his meeting with Curley and Schultz. Curley and Schultz indicate their rather vague recollections of the 12 minute meeting did not indicate that a crime had been committed. The Attorney General wants us to believe this difference in recollections of that meeting 10 years ago constitutes perjury.

As you scan through the images of the testimony click on an image and you will be able to see it in full readable size and you can use this utility to click through every image. I have provided the pages of the transcript that deal with the recollections and impressions of the meeting with McQueary, Curley, and Schultz so you can try to find the perjury.

First lets look at Schultz'a Testimony to the Grand Jury read into the record at the Perjury Preliminary Hearing:

Shultz's memory of a 10 or 12 minute meeting a decade back is quite different than Curley's recollection. He believes that either he or Tim contacted Child Protective Services - the same agency that investigated the 1998 incident when a mother of a Second Mile child complained to police about a shower incident between her son and Sandusky.

In the interest of this post I want the reader to identify the statements by Schultz above that constitute Perjury. What has he said above that is misleading or a deliberate lie known to him to be such?

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